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Aviod self-references
[edit]Removing "Since this page is explicitly for Dynabees, it should only address the original design and not later derivatives." again. See Wikipedia:Avoid self-references.
Some science behind the thing:
Journal of Applied Mechanics -- June 2000 -- Volume 67, Issue 2, pp. 321-325 On the Dynamics of the Dynabee D. W. Gulick, Graduate Researcher and O. M. O'Reilly, Assoc. Mem. ASME, Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1740
Other questions:
Despite claims to the contrary, many on the market seem to be identical. Just rebranded versions from the same source in Taiwan? No USA! See this ! Here but in German some reality from a German Uni [1] So please don't keep saying and asking wich was first and real and so on, you can all read this or translate it if you care.! The first device for commercial use was the Brand Dynabee. The pictures they changed into that of a Nanosecond powerball wich is not correct?!
Who/what is behind recent surge in interest?
What real improvements have been made to these things (not just the LEDs and other gimics introduced in patents like 5800311)?
Are there any studies on the putative benefits of these things (I doubt it)? 23:56, 26 December 2005 (UTC)
- Hi. As it was said in the article, Dynabee was the first powerball on the market. It wasn't that good as the current powerballs but that doesn't matter for now. Let's say for example it could achieve only 6000rpm. After some time passed, the NanoSecond company started producing their NSD Powerballs, usually reffered as the "Powerball". They are the successors for the DynaBee project, since it's the only company, which produce powerball under original patent and with the latest improvements, created by NanoSecond itself. If you like to split the articles for the DynaBee product and Powerball - do so, since after your change the patent information, the rpm record, and many other options are not right. -Dmitrek 09:41, 28 February 2006 (UTC)
The Dynabee Turbo Pro still on the market is the most powerfull from durable plastic and last ( also proven) for years. ( and reaches rpm above 8000 and yes it can much higher also but around the 8000 is the common speed for training!!) Somewhat bigger and more weight so more power ( see the formulas for this) then any other plastic powerball. Also there are Ironpower powerballs with a German steel rotor wich have more weight and therefore more power.
So the thing said above is not true at all. Only that Dynabee models don't have counters yes that is. Nanosecond powerballs are not reffered as "the powerball" because of legal terms and said by a judge also. ( the first on the market was yes that's true the Brand Dynabee and therefore you can say that the dynabee is "the powerball" but they don't because of respect for the description term "powerball" that is free to use for any other brand and gyro device on the market)
Most of it you can read in some articles on websites and lawsuites that has been in the last 2 years.
- Dynabee Turbo Pro could reach over 8000 RPM, while NSD Powerball (even the regular models) can exceed 14000 RPM, and the current world record is set on the NSD Powerball. Ironpower is again - just a copy. Why? It doesn't have a metal finish, it copies an NSD Powerball 350Hz, and it still (again!) doesn't have a counter. So, I want you to stop changing the article to older information - there must be a cooperation, not a counter-operation in Wiki. I and the other editors added lots of information to this article, and I want this article to be expanded, not shrinked for some egocentric reasons. If you have read everything I've wrote before, you'll see, that current information about NSD Powerballs is real and up-to-date. Thanks for reading! Dmitrek 23:50, 22 March 2006 (UTC)
Why telling that others are copy's from nsd and so on when dynabee is the first gyro and ironpower is the first metal gyro? . If you look up the real patents and dates you see that NSD has copied the most important parts from dynabee. ( the principe of gyro effects the shapes and so on ) And ironpower is not a copy of nsd ( yes because of the counter that is not on the ironpower!) wich is the only real part nad has the patent!! Look in the patents for that.
If you explain dynabee its not ok to make en say things that are not through because the turbo pro last much longer than nsd and also can reach more rPM that only depends of the user. Yes the marketing of nsd make it more beautiful to mention a higher RPM ( turbo pro is talking about the RPM that is for average user and healty because the higher RPM's can "damage" your wrists muscles if not trained well and this warning you can see in manuals and so on!) The turbo pro is also bigger ad therefore more powerfull and so on. But anyway this as you told yourself is not the place to compare so why from the start you do that with lies that in articles ( from universatity's and lawsuites) and in court are proven to be lies!
So the talking is over dynabee wich are powerballs is not ok to make marketing here for other brands with lies about very much. Dynaflex is not the manufacturer of dynabee that is variety plastics they started in the 1970's with production and again in the early 90's. ( the orginal owner/licensehoder of the old patents from mishler also with generator! nr 5353655 from 1994 before Nanosecond even was there and the other patent is from 1973 mishler / dynabee patent nr 3726146) So the numbers patents and dates speech for themselves. The extra Nanosecond has done is the patent with the counter but that is no successor from dynabee only an extra option!!) Variety is now a part of Dynaflex but dynaflex has there own models powerballs that Nanosecond has copied to Ironpower is from metal ( the outershell is allu/metal and thats metal to!) The steel rotor is from very high quality RVS ( German Edelstahl) so what you are talking about?
Please stop this nonsens.
Because of the outdating old dynabee/mishler patents its free to produce powerballs for others with that principe thats why nanaoseond startet but not only nanosecond a lot of others. Therefore all copy's from dynabee principe if you read the patent info's. Thats OK but then only saying nanosecond is .... and so on is not the complete latest info look f.a. the Ironpower thats on the market for a few years now the first real metal powerball on the market! And Gyrotwister and so on. You Dimitri likes to bring this as marketing for the nsd and not with real facts only degrees others and with marketing talk about nsd to have them be better and so on. They are not better but yes they are good ( as you do here to in marketing and saying bad things about competitors) The isssue is here dynabee and the principes of powerball gyro's As you see the link that's in german to ( ) and this one on page 5 from houston horizon ( this part is abused throug people that are saying nasa has developed the dynabee) proves what i said about al this, so also not correct to made these dissapear for the readers
There are a lot of brands and models from a lot of other manufacturers! not only nsd! Prove that you are trying to damage others is in the top of this txt you say first that it reaches only 6000 RPM after that you say 8000 and so on. So for editors clean this mess up to real info and not this marketing from a nsd person!! Lawsuites have also proven that other nsd persons which where talking bad about dynabee had to place a rectification because they where so wrong!
- You know, there is no nonsense in here. As I've mentioned in the article, dynaflex and nanosecond holds all the major patents for powerballs. There is a workaround of these patents by the other companies and people, but I am not talking about it - I am talking facts to you. Check the patent information provided in the article and see for yourself. Your "prove" that I am damaging something is nothing - I told you information from the official internet sites of these products. When you've told me about "turbo" model, I saw that it can achieve 8000RPM. For example, I can almost achieve 13000RPM with my powerball, and I am just a normal and regular person without any special training or skills. And again, the lifetime warranty for powerball talks for itself, isn't it? The article from "houston horizon" says the same thing - about the first inventor of Powerball. Speak facts, and stop harming the article with your imagination. Thank you. Also, you can try to reach me via ICQ - 499117, and try to argue there. Dmitrek 13:13, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
Yes you say achieve 8000 rpm it also say that that is not the maximum. Also the German prof tell the speeds could reach far beyond 10000RPM in the article Why 8000 its a 'kind of common training speed not trying to get max speed, the purpose training your arms and wrists not hurting them! ( that why also on nanosecond powerballs manuals the warning if you feel pain stop stop !) ( we have an medical expert (therapist) report of this that say's not to get that max speeds for a longer time because its not giving you the power that you can reach by training short periods with less speed, only for fun and competetion yes max speed but as in top sport it can damage your muscles for a short period ( i don't know the English term for it) Overdone is overdone and not good at all. Lifetime warranty is for all of these products? You say also that ironpower is copy that is not true because it was the first metal on the market in 2004. Dynaflex is not the holder of the patents, the original patents of the gyro principe's are outdated yes and therefore some changes as nanosecond has done with the counter but thats it. Please stop saying nanosecond and dynaflex are the only real ones and manufacturers as told the first was variety plastics. There is also a old model patent out of holland 1994 and so on believe me that was the date that i started to practice with dynabee models that are all still alive now so more then 12 years and still working. More power also because the turbo pro has larger measurements and weight as you can see in the Houston formulas that means simple more powerful! All people testing these two the nsd and turbo pro agrees with me. A judge did to so why keep on trying to make some stories that are not that important to the facts of the principe explaining in wiki of the powerball gyro exercisers concept. And stories about succesors and so on thats only marketing commercial bullshit ( sorry for that word) and has nothing to do with the prinicipe and explanation of the gyro power effects. Thats also why the links of these explanations though German and English should be staying in the article, because they are neutral and real! ( from university people and profs) Scratch all the names of brands or name them all, not giving credit to brands that have copied the principe from the gyro because patents outdated and they used it to make only little changes as you can read in the university article so they can keep on saying we have the only patented gyro wich is not through because if so there was no possibility for others at all. That also where on the Market before Nanosecond was. Yes there are others saying we are the succesors as for example the manual powerball says.
Its simple every little change are extra options and not doing things with the real first gyro powerball principe of a rotor in a shell that is turning arround his two axis
[edit]And the first on the market with that patents was dynabee and still is, dynabee give others space to produce after outdating the patents, and then people as you are saying that some options as counters are that important that they can be called succesors? Then every new automobile from wich brand does not matter? is a succesor of the one before also if it's from another brand and therefore better. You know yourself that that is not correct, only small things are changing in the cars to, between models and brands, but they still are cars. To call a new porsche the succesor of the mercedes car before that is the same false statement. Yes the porsche can have some options the mercedes don't have, but doesn't make it the better car. Only for some purposes yes it could be! But not for all try to do a lot of shopping or have some passengers in it? Yes for the same models from the same brands they can call them succesors so new audi a4 for the new audi a4 but that is also no succesor in the way of new invention of the principe of the car itself only in design and options it could be. ( and we all know newer doesn't always means better!)
I hope you understand now why calling brand or/with models, succesors can be so wrong, if the basis prinipe is still being used only with some extra's and for the principe of working though minor options.
Please try to read the complete german part and also the patents themselves from 1973 and 1994 then you read the newer ones and you see yourself! What is major patent? a counter as option no it is not dynamo with leds no because it was there in 1994 before Nanosecond did patented this in 2001 and so on. The only major patent is the principe of the rotor in the shell and so on because thats the part that give the working power to these products and these patents are whoever names are on it outdated. Therefore calling brands after the first real inventor and commercial use dynabee is ok as you name them all and not talking bad of them or others or make a lot of marketing stuff, because wiki is not for this reason!!!!!!!! ;)
Also read the above 2000 sience of Gullick that the explanation of it then saying that others as nanosecond has made some extra options as counter for it yes ofcourse that is through and OK Others as Ironpower has made the first metal version on the market yes thats through. Others as manual power has made a model with a kind of powerplant for mobile phones yes thats through.
I hope because your english is much better you can review and change your part a bit so that it will be respectfull for every brand and the real first inventors. Without marketing or commercials in it Then ofcourse i wil not change it, and the result a good complete Wikki about Dynabee is for every one there ;) Dynaflex was not there in 1973 and 1994 that was variety plastics, later a former employee of variety grounded dynaflex made som copies of the dynabee and now is working together with variety So also the part that the original dynabee inventor is dynaflex is not through you can see the websites in wayback machine on internet that Dynabee and Dynaflex where compatitors in the past. Dynaflex was about the first that made coppies of the dynabee in taiwan/china where also then the cooperation with Nanosecond started. as for your information. We had good connections and contact with Ken Pravitz the owner of Variety plastics and Dynabee before he died, out of respect for him the wiki info should be correct and that also why i place this reaction. ( he brought this invention in the 1970's and 1990 to the world)
Most of it you can read in some articles on websites and lawsuites that has been in the last 2 years